Thursday, August 26, 2010

About Harmander Singh

As a Proud Member of Life Dynamix Staff and Advisory Board with Life Dynamix Certified Wellness Specialist-(L. C. W. S.) and Advanced Study & Communication Skills Program (with Distinction A+ from Australia) , I am an Alternative Medical Practitioner, Media Consultant, Education Counselor and a Writer having sound touch of both East and West. I write prose and poetry with pen name Bhagouauty using the level and simplicity of the language for all readers with English as the first, second and third language depending on the different counties and the native languages.

So far, I have written more than 25 books for children and 25 in general for everyone. My first series of books on various topics and in various genres is now published for you now. One is a series of one-act plays for the children, in which I have beautifully touched the sensitive reflection of childhood, youthful, old, and thus family to social interactions.

My books are to fill us with oneness and togetherness of both societies of the East and West for globalization of Comparative Go Green, Eco-friendly, Religious and Interfaith Studies and other educational, literary and literacy missions.

I have studied in Australia for two years; and from my early school times have been taking keen interest in ancient and the modern human civilizations with many religions and faiths in various cultures of our nations and continents as now fully aware of making of civilized living in our world. It is a humanly bond getting educational and social interactions from more than 20 years. I am MD of Life Glowing Path, USA and a member of Association of Educators for World Peace, while serving the society with educational, social, humanity and self-awareness missions for all as the founder MD, Life Glowing Path Inc. USA.

The mystic joy of reading the book is for quenching the thirst of reading the creative work. It is as a present for children and the senior readers read and discuss, who seek to explore the humanly and creative thoughts and scientific feelings that I call Philselfology, the universalizing of human wisdom for the running new millennium.

Thus, it my research-based books for the Art of Ascendancy of Evolution of Soul-Purpose of Wellness of All, and therefore our self, family and society. I am published author of more than 15 other books available at Lulu.

Dr. Harmander Singh